Euroasia MUN 2013

Last weekend, I have participated in Euroasia Model United Nations Conference in TOBB University. As a new MUN lover, I have to admit, it was amazing. Even though it was my second experience in MUN, I already feel like a member of this big family.


I’ve represented Romania, in Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Our topic was “Food Crisis”, and during two days, we’ve tried to find efficient and functional solutions for two crucial issue: famine and food security.


We worked really hard to represent our country’s position appropriately and contribute some ideas on that issue.


And we had a special guest in the session: FAO representative Mustapha Sinaceur. He introduced a presentation for us, explained the situation briefly. It was an honor to meet him.


I’ve also met a lot of people there. They were amazing. You can see what I love the most about MUN above. Everyone signs others placards, and writes some little notes that will remind themselves later.


Here is our lovely delegation. The members of MUN Society in TED University.


I had a great time during the discussions and also the events. Here is the moment while we enjoy our champagne to celebrate that awesome conference.




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