Summer Practice: Construction Site

This summer I conducted my six weeks Summer Practice in one of the branches of Limak Construction, in Cairo, Egypt; in the project “Rehabilitation and Expansion of Cairo International Airport”. In this time period, I had the chance to work in both Design office and in the construction site. This experience deepened my knowledge about issues related not only to architecture, but also civil, mechanical and electrical engineering. I also had the chance to observe and be a part of the professional work of an international project, which will be a very important step in my prospective career in the field of architecture. 

Regarding the overall plan of my internship, I worked with different people in every few days, who are responsible for the different scope of works included in my SP Report. All the professionals and workers did their best to teach me and treated me as an architect, allowed me to perform by myself instead of just to observe.

Besides the construction works performed at the site, I learned how everything works behind the construction site in such big-scaled and international project. I had the chance to observe the crucial role of the professionals and the top management concerning the planning, coordination and control of the process. I observed the importance of the logistic planning, time and money management, site and people organization as well as the health and safety at work.