
After the mapping study, we produced a relief that reflects our cores and zones. And with the help of some chocks, we achieved different levels of planes. I decided the levels of the zones from the opacity levels that I have used for the photoshop assignment.

Variations of the Instance

We were asked to produce 3 or 4 instances which are going to represent our keywords for the initial instance. So I made three, one is for representing close space, one is for open space and the last one is for unity.



We were given 3 areas with their maps, and asked to observe the areas in terms of some keywords which will be chosen by us. The keywords that I picked were sound and movement. Basically, I analysed the areas by considering the sense of sound of movement. According to my observation, I created an interpretation of the maps with photoshop. I used different opacity levels in order to indicate levels of sounds.





In the very first assignment, we were asked to create a model which reflects an instance from the text we had chosen before. Understanding what ‘instance’ was the most challenging part of the assignment. After clarify that, I decided on what my instance will be: In the story I chose, there was a specific day that two seperate cities come together as a whole. In other words, two cities unite for a day. This day and the experiences come from the instance are inspired me during the designing process.

Second thing we need to consider was creating spaces while making the model. I tried to invent and discover spatial relations by the planes. Therefore the composition is very crucial at this point. And it also needs to represent the instance.

We were expected to decide a hashtag and few keywords. I chose #unity -because of the instance’s function- and as keywords open/close, enclosure and also unity.

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Invisible Cities

At the beginning of second semester of architectural education, we were given a book which was written by Italo Calvino. The book was called ‘Invisible Cities’ that contains lots of short stories and each one of the stories explains one utopic city.

I had studied the text and chose a city that attracts my attention most. The city that I chose called “Sophronia”. Sophronia is the city that made up of two half-cities. In one, there are a big roller coaster, carousel, Ferris wheel and so on. In the other one, there are banks, factories, schools.